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http://farahdiyanah @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, December 31, 2007

HIDUP KU SKRG dlm kesedihan ,ketakutan,,confused dan mcm2 lagi!!!' ..ku rasa bersalah kerana ku dia kehilangan segalanye..walaupun dia tk ckp pe2 pi ku rasa bersalah ..sampai bila2 ku rasa diri ku bersalah...pi setia kali kita gaduh dia akan be patience wit me padahalku yg selalu mulakan gaduh ni semua ..pi dia yg selalu mengala dlm hal ni walaupun dia tk tahu pangkang jalan cerita nye..ku tahu dia uat ni semua asl dia sygkan ku pi jg kerana syg semua dia ada hilang mcm tu ku taknk mcm ni..nanti dia tk ckp pe2 ku akan rasa bersalah pai bila2 nanti hidup ku tk akan tenang!!N I ASLO NOT sure is tis love or not?? n i sick n tired of tk bis2 gaduh ku pun tk tahu pai bila ia nk stop ni semua!!i TIRED OF ALL TIS!!! You're my secret placeWhere I can be myself You connect with me like nobody else Even though our circumstances changed Our love still remains You keep me on the ground But still you help me fly You got me to be patient I got you to rely So no matter what tomorrow brings we got the simple things, cause..Love is..kisses in the bean bag chair.The two of us with no one there Love is..The moment that I climb the stairsTo hold you in my arms after we make love Love is..Waking up to see your face Or kissing in the morning rainLove is..The only thing that keeps me saneat the end of the day is that I've got you Love is.. ..The way your lips seem to curve when you say my name.Love is..And when I'm stressing like the world's turning upside down, it all makes sense when you're around
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ThiS IS onlY a pAST MeMOrIes TAT i ShOulD

BeeN fOrgETTEn FoR So loNG..i TinK THey Are NoT Layak

FoR mE caUse tO THeM ThEY R SERiouS bOuT TO Me thEy R noT..

iN ThE eNd i THe OnE wHO eNd UP huRTiNG...Well WAT To

tO dO LIfE ShOULd mOvE oN..Past Is PAst tHERE iS NO tURniNg BAcK

PEopLe ALwaYZ saY tat wE all shOuLd HAD PeluANg To changE OuR way yA buT sOME PEOPLE wILL NOt WAiT fOr tAT PerSon to CHanGE

caUsE tO thEm THEy CAN't WAit causE Is THeY waIT THeIr liFe wILL bE So EMPtY N lOnELy

cAUse To Me thEre Is No TUrNInG bacK FoR mE To THeM cauSE mY Heartz Is ALreadY cloSe ..To ALL Of thEM..walaupUN tEARS fLOWiNg DoWn To my FACe FoR sO manY tImES

BuT i TiNK fOr WAT i Do TIS THeRE noTHInG can cHANGe TheM..THeY wILL NoT TUrNInG theIr WAy BACk tO mE agaiN..to them OnCe A BrEAK Up Will Be FoREver BreAK uP

mY hEARTZ Is Now CloSe .CAUse I tHInk tat i HAd mADe A cHOiCe WhO i WAnna To Be RiGHt NOw!!!CAUSE he Is tHE oNLy oNe TAT rEALLy CAN OPeNeD mY Heartz Well..My LIFE haD beeN ChanGe So MucH siNcE i MeT Him...lyke i say iF tIME nEvER StaNds StILL,i'LL nEvER LEAvE yOuR sIdE.iT may bE tOO harD FoR mE at tImEs THAT YOu Will NoT SEE mE buT iN mY hEARTZ,yOu'll ALwayz Be Found...u Will NevER C wat Is CoMIng toWARDS U rIgHT NOw..Lyke PeOPlE alwayz SAY ..wHeN oNe DOOr Of HAPPiNess CloseS,anOthER OPeNS,bUt OfTeN we loOK sO loNg AT THe CloseD dOOr THAT we Do NOt SEE thE oNe Which HAs OPeNeD fOr uS....tO mE lovE wILL nEvER tEll uS to LOviNg EacH OthER tHe oNLy THInG tat CAN sTop Us iS fatE,,CAUSE fatE Is thE ONlY ThinG tat CAn bRing oR stOP us FRom wHo We loVe..
Thursday, December 13, 2007

ku rasa mcm menyesal gitu putus ngan sesorang insan yg amat penting dlm hidup ku..lau tuhan leh kasi ku kesempatan ini utk kali kedua utk membaiki hubungan kami ..ku akan jaga ia baik2 pi semua dah terlambat ..org mcm ku tk seharunye menerima peluang kedua ke???kenapa masa tu ku buta ku tk tahu mana benar dan mana yg betul..kenapa ku tk nampak tu semua,kenapa ni..ku skrg amat menrindui dia..dia ckp ngan lau ku betul2 berubah dia akan beri ku peluang kedua pi mana kata2 dia tu..mana kata2 manis dia....dlm hati ku,,ku masih sygkan dia sgt pi semua dah terlambat dia dah ada penganti baru..kenangan ku ngan dia byk sekali dlm ingatan ....amat susah utk ia dilupai ..hiaz
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i HAPPy RiGHt nOW..FINalLY mY drEAm CAMe TRuE..akHiRnYe KU DPt bUAL ngan MAK dIA,,pada mUla2 WE nOe EACH OthEr Ku MANA rapat nGAN Mak dia ..Bual GiTU2 Je noT MOre thEn TAT sKrg MAK dIA daH mUla TerIma Ku Dan lEh accEpT thE way I am...tHankz GOd FoR LISTEnIng To pRayIng..it's VerY DiFFIcUlt tO RAPAT kan dIrI Ngan hIS Mum..Fuhhh I fINALLY make It...sKrg Ni dIA dah ANGGAP mE mcm ANAK dIA SENDIRI,,N SHe Will help mE nO matTer WAT happen If I CANNOt SOLvE My PrOmble WiT Him...pI anak Dia tK tahu pE2 pUN pasal ni WE keeP In AS A SEcrET ... HopE i CAN HolD On Tis REALTioNShIP wIt hIm N hIS MoTHer..INSYALLAH...

In so long,It’s been months, years, even centuriesIn the eyes of loneliness they are all the sameI cried when these wordsBlew out of my mindFollowed the windAnd ran untilWell until now I guess..for hw long should I cried out loud for you..a months,,a year??I noe tat ur love towards me had change ..but certain thing tat u cannot being force is tatU can’t force me to forget ur love tat u had given it to me…cause ur love is more then anything..i feel I begin to love you more then I love myself cause I began to sense tat my love towards u is getting strong…..there is only one man tat is inside my heartz n tat man is you ..cause u the one who had save from the trouble tat i be throught..n u alwayz help me to bring me out from the darkness tat i had been inside it. when i came out from the darkness..i c the light tat is coming out from you..from there i realised tat there is a love from you which is telling me tat he the one for you n will be ur partner till the end of the time... i TiNK rIgHT nOw i shOulD juSt foRGet THe PAST wIt u CAUse OuR meMOrIes N oUr HappiNess Is JUsT Be SHATTerED...n I c NoW u GoT Ur NeW LiFE wIt u n FoR mE i GoT soMeONE in mY LIfE rIghT n I hapPy WIT iT
Monday, December 10, 2007

I happy Wit MY nEw liFE RiGht NOW..I haD WAT i want RiGht NOW...u noe wat is it??
Love is not simple.” Any teenager could tell you that! Our world wants us to believe that it is simple. That love is the antidote to all of our worries, fears, problems. Love will solve all problems. But no. Love is much more than two people. It is much more than an emotional euphoria.If a thing loves, it is infinite.. This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content..When your heart speaks, take good notes..

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